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Student Government Association (SGA) By-Laws (PDF)

SGA By-Laws 2023-2024


AMENDMENT I: Qualifications for President, Vice President, and Judiciary

To qualify for an SGA position as President, Vice President, or Judiciary, the following must be required at time of candidacy and tenure of service:

1.      Must all come from the Tifton campus.

2.      Must possess a 3.0 overall grade point average at time of election and maintain that standing throughout the officer’s term of office, or the officer will be removed from office.

3.      Must plan to attend ABAC through the upcoming Fall and Spring semesters of the term of office the officer will serve after Spring Elections in which the officer is elected. Exceptions are made for officers who fill vacancies until the next election cycle.

4.      Must be considered a full-time student respective of their school of study.

5.      Must have a minimum of 30 credit-hours taken prior to SGA elections.

6.      Must attend leadership training as directed by SGA advisor.

7.       Must comply with all rules and regulations of the Student Code of Conduct and SGA Code of Conduct.

8.      Must take the oath of office as administered by the ABAC President, Provost, Dean of Students, or SGA Advisor.

 AMENDMENT II: Qualifications for the Senators and Executive of Bainbridge

To qualify for an SGA position as Senator or Executive of Bainbridge, the following must be required at time of candidacy and tenure of service:

1.      Must possess a 2.5 overall grade point average at time of election and maintain that standing throughout the officer’s term of office, or the officer will be removed from office.

2.      Must plan to attend ABAC through the upcoming Fall and Spring semesters of the term of office the officer will serve after Spring Elections in which the officer is elected. Exceptions are made for officers who fill vacancies until the next election cycle.

3.      Must be considered a full-time student respective of their school of study.

4.      Must have a minimum of 15 credit-hours taken prior to SGA elections.

5.      Must attend leadership training as directed by SGA advisor.

6.       Must comply with all rules and regulations of the Student Code of Conduct and SGA Code of Conduct.

7.      Must take the oath of office as administered by the ABAC President, Provost, Dean of Students, or SGA Advisor.

 AMENDMENT III: Student Advisory Council Delegate

In the event neither the SGA President nor the SGA Vice President can serve as the institution’s Student Advisory Council delegate, the SGA President shall appoint the delegate from among the sitting Senators.

 AMENDMENT IV: Presidential Powers

Regarding the legislation process, if there is no official response by the SGA President by way of either vetoing or signing the proposed legislation, with the exception of amendments, within one week of receiving it, it is regarded to receive a pocket-veto. If the President rejects the legislation, then the legislation receives a veto. A two-thirds majority vote of the Senate may override the veto. Such action by the Senate will pass the legislation.

 AMENDMENT V: Graduation Apparel

Any service of SGA office through fulfilling a complete term of office shall result in the awarding of an SGA stole upon the SGA officer’s graduation date. In the event an SGA officer resigns or is removed from office before the officer’s term is completed, there will be no graduation apparel provided to the individual for graduation.


Depending on the jurisdiction of the SGA officers in part with the Office of Student Affairs may award both internal and external affiliates of SGA. Any award may be designed and given with approval of the Office of Student Affairs with pervious award titles being:

1.      The President’s Award

2.      Star Senator Award

3.      Award/Certificate of Appreciation

 AMENDMENT VII: Election Requirements

In the event that only one candidate qualifies for a position in any SGA election because of the required number of semesters, then the respective requirement is waived for that election, at the discretion of the Office of Student Affairs and SGA Advisor, to allow for increased candidate participation from the student population.

 AMENDMENT VIII: Election Committee

Headed by the Judiciary, a selection of a minimum of three (3) students without ties to any candidates in the upcoming election, approved by the Senate, will oversee the process of SGA elections and ensure that the respective election procedures outlined in the SGA Elections Code are fulfilled. The committee will review election results and approve them by an absolute majority (50%+1) of committee members if deemed secure and sound by SGA governing documents.