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In order to maintain active status, organizations must abide by the following:

  • Organizational Advisors and Presidents must complete required trainings.
    o   Organizational Presidents must attend the annual RSO Review Training held at the beginning of Fall semester.

    o   Organizational Presidents must complete the Vector Solutions course mandated by the University System of Georgia.

  • Organizational Representative must attend joint SGA/RSO meetings (see SGA Constitution).

    • Every Category 2, 3, and 4 club or organization shall have one (1) representative at each meeting, with alternates available in the absence of the representative. The representatives shall be either the President or Vice-President of the recognized club or organization. Alternates shall be members of the club or organization Executive Committee (Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, etc.) or an advisor of the club represented.

    • No one person can represent more than two clubs for attendance purposes.

    • No one person can vote for more than one club or organization.

  • Update organizational information at the start of each semester including updated Constitution, Advisor(s), leadership information, and membership numbers.

  • Participate in Club Rush each semester (counts as a mandatory SGA/RSO meeting).

  • All organizations must adhere to all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. In addition, all organizations are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations set forth within the ABAC Student Handbook and any other College designated guidelines (i.e., Coursedog).

  • Organizational Representative must attend organizational meetings.

*If a recognized club or organization should be absent from any two (2) joint SGA/RSO meetings during a semester, the organization will be placed on warning. If the recognized club or organization logs continued absences for a second consecutive semester, the registered club or organization will be placed on probation. After a third consecutive semester of absences, the registered club or organization will be placed on suspension.

Suspension includes, but not limited to, removal of the club from ABAC affiliated outlets (i.e., ABAC website, Coursedog, social media) and the inability to host any club events and meetings including participation in Club Rush, Homecoming, Club of the Year, Stallion Day, and other major campus events. The club may re-register with the Office of Student Affairs as outlined under “Registering a new Student Organization.”

Suspension can be appealed through the Office of Student Affairs by submitting justification for missing the SGA/RSO meetings and for both the club advisor and at least two (2) student representatives to meet at a date and time to be determined with the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Coordinator of Student Activities, SGA President, Category 4 RSO Chair, and SGA Senators affiliated with the club’s school. 

Registering a new Student Organization

Any organization which uses the Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College name or operates in any official capacity as a student organization at ABAC must register as an RSO. Students seeking to become a new club should meet with the Coordinator of Student Activities to begin the process. Once all paperwork has been completed, the group will be recognized as an interest group and should start attending joint SGA/RSO meetings. Upon approval of all paperwork, the interest group will be recognized as a club.

 To obtain recognition, a prospective club must follow these established procedures:

  • Must be comprised solely of students currently registered at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. Non-students may participate in club activities as guests but may not vote, hold office, nor pay dues. Non-students may be called "associate members," or, if they are graduates of ABAC, they may be called "alumni members," but they may not vote, hold office, nor pay dues. Associate members include, but are not limited to, University of Georgia Tifton and Georgia Southwestern students.

  • Must have a minimum of eight (8) students to form a club (Bainbridge clubs must have a minimum of three (3) students).

  • Must have on file a current Club Constitution approved by the Office of Student Affairs (email

  • Must secure a faculty/staff advisor.

  • Must have on file a current Memorandum of Understanding and Advisor Agreement Form (email

  • Must agree to send a club, Executive Board representative (President, Vice President, etc.) to joint SGA/RSO meetings throughout the academic year. Members and officers must agree to accept ABAC and campus regulations including, but not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct, as outlined in the Student Handbook. Please review the SGA Constitution for additional information.

*The requirements for registration do not apply to existing, or future, Greek organizations as there are specific guidelines for governance of existing Greek organizations and for colonization and charter of new, Greek organizations. 

Returning RSOs (in good standing)

Returning RSOs must register with the Office of Student Affairs by completing the Club Registration at the beginning of each academic year and executing a current Memorandum of Understanding and Advisor Agreement Form. A student organization may be removed from the registry of clubs for misuse of the college name, violations of laws and the student code of conduct, failure to register with the College, or non-compliance with expectations of ABAC’s recognized clubs. Students may appeal to the Vice President of Student Affairs if denied registration or removed from the registry. 

RSO Training Course

At the beginning of each Fall Semester, RSO Presidents and Advisors are required to attend a mandatory RSO training session either in-person or participate in an online equivalent. This initial training will discuss protocols and procedures that RSOs must follow. 

Throughout the academic year, ABAC hosts a variety of training courses open to the ABAC student body. These trainings encompass multiple topics including, but not limited to, Leadership and Professional Development, Coursedog Procedures, Campus Safety Protocols, Mental Health QPR Training, and Social Media Presence and Branding, RSO Presidents are encouraged to attend these trainings or to designate a representative of the club to attend in their place.