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The Student Government Association oversees mandatory bi-monthly joint SGA/RSO meetings (see SGA Constitution) during Fall and Spring semesters with ABAC’s student club/organization leaders. Joint SGA/RSO meetings on the Tifton campus serve as a resource, leadership forum, and advocacy group for recognized student organizations and are open for the ABAC student body, faculty, and staff to attend. The joint SGA/RSO meetings strive to ensure that student groups at ABAC work cooperatively and within the guidelines set forth by the institution. The meeting schedule is communicated in advance to the students via Office of Student Affairs and SGA communications and is subject to change based on the ABAC academic calendar. 


The purpose of these joint SGA/RSO meetings is:

  • To provide a forum for communication among recognized organizations on campus.

  • To provide guidance to the various clubs and organizations in planning, executing, and evaluating activities.

  • To represent recognized organizations on campus issues in the form of recommendations to the Office of Student Affairs.

  • To organize and promote joint organizational events for the benefit of ABAC students.

  • To increase the quality of campus social, cultural, and educational life through organizational activities.

Meeting Reporting Structure

Meetings will follow the SGA Constitution and Bylaws with Guidance from this RSO Resource Guide. Generally, the SGA President will preside over meetings. The SGA Executive Vice President will provide report for all Category 2 organizations. The SGA Executive Vice President/Bainbridge will provide report on all Bainbridge organizations. Senators from each School will report on all Category 3 organizations in their School. Chair of Category 4 organizations will be elected at first SGA meeting in the Fall semester and will represent and report on all Category 4 organizations. 

Category 4 RSO Chair and Elections

  • RSO Category 4 organizations will elect one (1) student representative Chair from among the Category 4 RSO membership.

  • The Category 4 RSO Chair position shall be (1) nominated from the Category 4 RSO membership at the first meeting of the Fall semester; (2) be approved by a majority of the Category 4 RSO members present at the first meeting; and (3) take office immediately for a term of one academic year. In the event that the elected member is unable to continue in office for Spring semester, a new Chair will be elected at the beginning of the second semester and take office immediately for the remainder of the academic year.

  • The elected Category 4 RSO Chair shall meet and maintain the following minimum academic standards:

    o   Non-probationary academic status as set by the College.
    o   Enrollment is six (6) credit hours or more at ABAC.
    o   A 2.25 cumulative and current grade point average.

  • Each period of service shall be for one (1) academic year unless re-elected.

  • No student representative shall hold the office for more than four (4) consecutive semesters. 

Category 4 RSO Chair Duties

  • The performance of duties related to RSO function as assigned by the RSO Advisor.

  • Represent Category 4 RSOs at ABAC meetings.

  • Responsible for promoting attendance and participation at all joint SGA/RSO meetings by Category 4 RSO club representation.

  • Serves as the liaison between Category 4 RSOs, all other RSOs, the SGA Team, and RSO Advisor.