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Navigated to Privileges of being a Recognized Student Organization (RSO).

Every student organization wishing to operate at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College must apply for and secure official recognition status. RSOs must complete the registration process annually in order to maintain recognized status. Officially recognized student organizations shall have the following privileges:

  • May use Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College’s name to identify institutional affiliation.

  • May recruit members on campus.

  • May use College facilities and equipment for meetings and functions, subject to ABAC and Board of Regents’ policies and approval by the Office of Student Affairs.

  • Will have access to publicity resources on Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College’s campus.

  • May conduct fundraising efforts within College policy.

  • May be eligible to apply for Student Activity Fee funding subject to Board of Regents’ policies, College regulations governing allocation of student activity fees, and available funds.

  • May participate in institutional engagement opportunities such as Homecoming Stallion Cup, Club Rush, Club Day, Student Leadership Reception (Green & Gold Gala), etc., as well as be eligible for Club of the Year recognition.